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"Bringing Souls to Christ through Faith and Action"
Women Ministry - The women’s ministry was developed to promote spiritual growth among the sisters through prayer breakfasts, workshops, conferences, shopping trips, movies and retreats. This is also a time for the “Phenomenal Women” to come together for fun and fellowship.
Trustee Ministry - The trustee ministry is entrusted with the responsibilities and care of the physical assets of the church. Deaconess Ruby Caswell Davis serves as the Chairperson of the Trustee Board.
Finance Ministry - The finance ministry is responsible for counting, recording, and depositing funds received from all of our services and programs. The finance ministry oversees the management and distribution of funding as needed to keep the ministry operating, in order to up-build the kingdom of God. The finance committee consists of Deaconess Ruby Caswell Davis, Deacon Lenard Franklin, Sister Cheryl Allen and Mother Lear Russ.
Deacon’s Ministry - The Deacons serve as helpers to the Pastor, while looking out for the welfare of our church members. They serve the table of the Lord by devotions, assisting the Pastor with communion and serving the needs of the people. Deacons also serve as ward leaders over a designated group of members. Deacon Lenard Franklin serves as the Chairman Deacon.
Deaconess’ Ministry - The Deaconess share with the Deacon ministry the responsibilities of helping the Pastor and assisting with the welfare of the church members. The Mothers serve in preparation of communion and the Deaconess' assist, visit the sick and serve as mentors to our younger women. They also share in serving as ward leaders over a designated group of members.
Youth Ministry - This ministry serves as a tool to enhance our children’s spiritual growth and to cater to the needs of our youth, while also allowing a child to be a child. The youth ministry provides outings such as fun station, bowling, youth chat, pizza party, and the annual amusement park trip. Children’s Church is held every 1st and 3rd Sunday in the Stallworth fellowship Hall. Elder Lissa Stevens is our Youth Minister. Mother Florine Littles, Sister Audrey Robinson and Sister Andrea Nelson-Williams serves as children's church teachers.
Usher Ministry - The Ushers serve as doorkeepers in the house of the Lord. They serve as greeters, escorts, and they make sure that our guest and members are comfortable during our services. They are also responsible for keeping order during service and assisting during offering. Sister Annie Brown serves as the President of the Usher board.
Choir/Music Ministry - This ministry is responsible for ushering in the spirit of God through songs and music. Choir rehearsals are held on Thursdays at 6:00 PM. This ministry is under the direction of Brother Carlton Williams.
Media Ministry - The media ministry was designed to record the sermons so that the church can provide spiritual messages to the unsaved, sick and shut in, and for those desiring to listen to a selected sermon again. Deacon Jonathan Young is our Media ministry coordinator assisted by Deaconess Albertha Rouise.
Evangelism Ministry - This ministry is responsible for “Going out into the hedges and highways and compelling them to come in that the house maybe filled”. They provide the gospel and spiritual advice to those that are lost and the shut-in.
Outreach/Missionary Ministry - This ministry was designed to reach out to those that are in physical and spiritual need. The ministry provides food assistance through contributing to ECHO ministry here in Tallahassee.
Pastor’s Aide Ministry - This ministry serves to cater to the needs of the Pastor by ensuring that he has what he needs in the areas of the pulpit and his office. Sister Ola Smith serves as the Pastor’s Aide President..
Hospitality Ministry - This ministry provides food and serves the church body on special church occasions. Deaconess Maebell Williams serves as the kitchen coordinator. This ministry also provides hospitality to our incoming guests, and provides them with the help and assistance they need. The Pastor Aide Board serves in this capacity.
Ministries of Faith Chapel Pentecostal Church, Inc.
Sunday School Ministry - “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. Sunday School is an effective tool for biblical learning for all members of the church. Sunday school has been designed to spiritually educate the body of Christ. Sunday School is held every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Minister Archie Ivy serves as the Sunday School Superintendent and Deacon Stanley Littles as the assistant.
Men Ministry - The men’s ministry is designed to strengthen the brotherhood and promote fellowship with each other. The men meet together for prayer breakfasts, workshops; attend games, conferences, and other events. The “Men of Faith” have joined together to become stronger in the Lord, encourage each other, and for some fun and fellowship